8 minutes until closing

I've completed a month here. I think I'm just starting to get the hang of language and life and the moments of utter confusion are much less constant. Or at the very least I've grown to appreciate the diferent flavors of confusion that are available to me.

Notes on confusion:
1. The first kind is a complete lack of words. Only a stream of vowels is parsed out. I don't hear this one as much anymore.
2. The second is a content lacking confusion. All that is intelligible is a very basic key word or cognate. "El" "Porque" "Sofa"
3. I don't know the 3rd kind. I think there's a hand gesture involved.
4. I'm at the 4th kind right now. It's where I get confident enough to respond moderately incorrectly. I know all the words, but not the meaning of what was said to me. If I ask them to repeat it to me it would probably clear up the confusion. But I have my pride... no... that's gone now too.
5. I'm working up to this kind. This is where I can get some fun cultural misunderstandings because of a context problem that I couldn't have known without living here longer. Give me some time, friends, give me some time.

Much love to you all... but platonically.


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