
I can not believe I am still here. It’s kinda like when a practical joke goes on so long, you just can't believe anyone would put that much effort into trying to fool you. But I can't shake the feeling that if I just admit I'm in another country everyone'll start laughing and speaking in perfect English and it'll turn out I'm just in a soundstage in Burbank.

It's only been 4 months. That might be the most ridiculous part of all this. Like I won't even be here for a year. Not even half a year. I'll spend 5 months total in Costa Rica (if that is your real name) and 2 weeks in Nicaragua and Guatemala.

I think part of my disillusion comes from the feeling that I'm not in another country so much as I am in another school- a school in which I'm substantially stupider. That's what study abroad means to me right now. And of course that feeling will change, as they all do, but it's just good to get it out in the open.

I've become a badass and a wimp in completely different ways here. For example, I am well acostumed to it taking at least 30 minutes to go anywhere (might not sound like a lot, but everything was within walking distance at Whitman). However, I find it completely unacceptable that I have class 4 days a week and that I'm still in school in the beginning of June.

On the homework front, I have a presentation on worm holes two weeks from today, and one on John Locke's 2nd Treatise on Government a week from Friday.

On the plus side, the World Cup starts this Friday (half of my classes are canceled) and Costa Rica has the dubious honor of being the first team to lose. We play Germany at 10 am and it's pretty well acknowledged that we will be destroyed. But if for some reason Deutschland, I don't know, scores 10 own goals, there will be no end to the rejoicing. Expect days and days of joyous celebration.

I have class at 3. Ah well, since it's the rainy season doing anything, even something as mundane as walking to class, feels quite a bit more epic.

Much love to you all,

PS Panama City was sweet. X-men 3 less so. The best part was when Sarah and I ate papas bravas and pizza in a ceverceria and watched HiStory Vol 2 on the many TVs.

PPS The Canal was likewise impressive.


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